We’ve got your village!


Pregnant and not coping well with the extra eyes and added pressure?

Partner and wanting ideas to help bond with baby?

Postpartum and not feeling blissfully ever after?

Feeling lost while trying to balance all of this new stuff?

It’s A LOT to navigate. We were not meant to cope alone. Come and surround yourself with open arms and unending support for FREE.

Support groups will include educational resources as well as opportunities to share your thoughts and experiences. All of our groups are open to those in need during the perinatal period and their support people. Little Blooming Warriors Birth Collective does not discriminate.

There is NO such thing as late for our support groups! Show up anytime during the scheduled group time and you will be accepted!

Pregnancy Support Group

“You’re GLOWING!”, “Ohmygosh, you’re huge! Are you pregnant with twins?”, “Oh, you look exhausted!” Pregnant and not loving all eyes on you? Need an escape? Want to chat with other people who understand what you’re going through? Pregnancy Support Group is for you!

Postpartum Support Group

You got through an entire pregnancy. You’re keeping the tiny human(s) alive, but OH MY, this stuff SO isolating! Postpartum isn’t all glamour and “getting your body back.” It’s messy and raw. Come hang out with us and let it all out! Postpartum Support Group is a safe space for you to get everything you need!

** Please make sure to register, so we know who to expect!**

Also, please be advised, we do not allow solicitors. Our Support Groups are a sacred, safe space for those seeking support in their perinatal and postpartum times.